For a pharmaceutical company's data to be processed in the Finnish medicines verification system, the company must have a contract with FiMVO. In addition, the marketing authorisation holder must pay annual fees.

1. Please download the contract template:

2. Fill in your company information on pages 1, 8, 9 and 10.
3. Send the updated contract back to us . Please also inform us of the email address where the contract can be sent for signing.
4. We will send the contract for signing via VismaSign. 
5. After we have received your signature, we will countersign and you will receive the countersigned copy via VismaSign.

Please note that you must list in Appendix I your invoicing details and in Appendix II all the MAHs you represent under this contract. This must be done even if there is only one MAH represented in the contract.

Updating your contact information

If there is a change in MAHs or your contact & invoicing details change, please inform us by using Appendix I and II template. You can use e-signature or pdf signature to sign. Please send the signed copy back to us by email. 

If you have any further questions regarding the contracting procedure, please contact us! Our vendor details can be found here.