MAH Workshop 18.9.2018

Today we hosted a workshop for MAHs. We were pleased to see so many people in person and on Skype.

It was a great turn out and we heard excellent informative presentations.

Maija Gohlke-Kokkonen, our managing director, spoke about contracting and invoicing, and the latest from Brussels. Maija reminded everyone that unless retrospective uploading is performed it will cause a huge and unneccesarry amount of alerts.

Tero Vesa, our Technical Project Manager, filled us in on current timelines, our pilot and upcoming releases.

Our QA Teijo Yrjönen showed us how verification changes the supply chain processes.

Our guest speaker was Pasi Kemppainen, Global Serialization and Traceability Lead, Santen, talking us through implementing the FMD in a pharma company.

The presentations are available for downloading here and if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!