Beware of falsified medicines on the internet!

In the wake of COVID-19 we want to stress the importance of buying medicines only from authorised sellers. 

The coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) has created a lot of concern. This is being optimised by counterfeiters who make falsified medicines. Medicines which claim to treat the virus or prevent its transmission are being sold on the internet. Such a medicine for these purposes does not yet exist.

Falsified medicines are a risk to the health of the user, and in some cases can result in fatality. They may contain the wrong ingrdients or for example, rat poison.

We'd like to remind you how important it is to buy medicines only from a legitimate pharmacy or online pharmacy. A legitimate online pharmacy is identified by its European online pharmacy ID.

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The European Medicines Agency has published a great information packet:

You can also find information on the Fimea website:…

Remember only go to the pharmacy if you are healthy! Instructions for pharmacies during the coronavirus epidemic can be found on the website at

Stay safe!